We are the only certified production of liquid ceramic thermal insulation in Russia, which has passed all tests and has earned the trust of many consumers. The products are manufactured by LLC "Research and Production Association "FULLEREN", has a PATENT, all the necessary certificates and a registered Trademark.
Why choose KORUND
We have been producing ultra-thin insulation for you for more than 15 years

We are trusted by more than 1.000.000 people
People use our products every day and are satisfied with them

Own development and manufacturing
The quality is our first priority

Saving your time and money
Applied like paint, suitable for your tasks
Why do you need our products?
1 mm of material = 5-7 cm layer of basalt insulation
The application process is the same as painting
Eco-friendly, harmless material
Protects against frost, condensation and mould
Cannot be stolen
Reduces labor costs and timing
Maintaining usable space
Lasts long without causing any troubles
Our products are used by

Preferably. Thermal engineering calculation allows you to determine the estimated thickness of the Korundum thermal insulation coating required to complete the task. However, despite the fact that the thermal engineering calculation is performed according to the methods recommended by the Code of Rules, it is not a design solution. If you need a project or a corresponding section of project documentation, you must contact specialized organizations.
It depends on specific conditions - surface temperature, ambient temperature.
You can apply plaster, any high-quality acrylic paints, wallpaper, etc.
Thermal insulation coating Corundum has a low heat transfer coefficient, much lower than that of finishing materials. Therefore, the use of Corundum as a finishing coating makes it possible to use the unique properties of the material as efficiently as possible.
Application of the thermal insulation coating Corundum Classic should be carried out in accordance with the Application Instructions...
According to instructions:
The time for complete drying of one layer of coating with a thickness of 0.4-0.5 mm is at least 24 hours at an ambient temperature above +20 ° C and humidity not higher than 80% throughout the entire drying time - 24 hours. In case of changes in environmental conditions (lower temperature, higher humidity) drying time must be increased. The next layer can be applied only after the previous layer has completely dried.
The requirement to apply the coating in layers of no more than 0.5 mm is due to the curing mechanism of the coating. After applying the composition to the surface, during the curing of the coating, diffusion to the surface of the film and evaporation of solvents into the environment occurs. When a composition layer of more than 0.5 mm is applied at a time, not all of the solvent has time to evaporate from the cured coating. Since the thermal conductivity coefficient of the solvent is several times greater than the thermal conductivity coefficient of the Corundum coating, there is a sharp decrease in the effectiveness of thermal insulation.
For the same reason, it is necessary to comply with the requirement for interlayer drying time.
The requirement to apply a single layer with a thickness of no more than 0.5 mm and a drying time of 24 hours is critical; if it is not met, the thermal insulation coating Corundum ceases to perform the functions of thermal insulation.
Possibly after the material has completely dried, but not earlier than 36 hours from the moment of the finishing coat.
It is possible to tint the material yourself using any high-quality pigment paste for water-dispersion paints.
Корунд Антикор исходя из своего названия предназначен для предотвращения развития процессов коррозии на поверхности металла. Нанесение 1 единичного слоя этой модификации позволяет блокировать распространение ржавчины. Корунд Антикор рекомендуется наносить в качестве только первого слоя, поскольку применение его в последующих слоях экономически нецелесообразно. На поверхность Корунд Антикор возможно наносить и Корунд Классик и Корунд Фасад.
After opening the bucket, it is necessary to use the composition as quickly as possible, however, if necessary, you can hermetically seal the bucket with the material and use it later. The issue of preserving the material after opening the bucket depends on the specific storage conditions. The material is preserved quite well when stored in a hermetically sealed container. However, if the material has “dried out”, it will most likely not be possible to use it in the future.
Fire retardant coatings are used to increase the durability of metal structures in case of fire. For example, Corund-Fire Protection allows you to prevent the loss of load-bearing capacity of metal structures in case of fire for up to 1 hour. In the event of a fire, this time should be enough for the appropriate services to arrive to eliminate the fire and, first of all, to evacuate people. Corundum NG is a heat-insulating material that destructs at high temperatures (fire) without supporting combustion.
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